About our Chairman
Dr.P.Selvaraj is a doyen among the elite and learned circle in Tamilnadu. He has been instrumental for the rapid growth of several institutions in and around Tamil Nadu including JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Kurinji College of Engineering and SSK College of Engineering. He is a great philosopher, guide and mentor.He actively promotes and funds education among the poor and rural masses. He was awarded the Doctorate by the Florida University, the USA for this ‘Methods of preventing children from discontinuing their education at the primary level’.As the SECRETARY of the consortium of Self-Financing Professional Arts & Science and Engineering Colleges in Tamilnadu, he plays a key role in the formation and implementation of educational policies of the government.He is also a member of the Trichy District welfare committee headed by the District Collector, Trichy and is responsible for the various development activities of the Trichy district.
Chairman’s Message
I am very much delighted to shower my wishes and warmth of feeling upon you. We have established Shivani Group of Educational Institutions covering the whole gamut of higher education such as Engineering and Technology, stand-alone Business School, Teacher Education, and Polytechnic College has a rich fund of experience and expertise in these fields for the past two decades as invaluable resource capital. Our objective is to provide quality education to all those boys and girls who genuinely aspire for education. Our mission is that no student endowed with intelligence and aptitude should go deprived of education due to lack of money and opportunity. We are here to extend our helping hands to them. We are guided by Mahatma Gandhiji’s dictum: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Join Us.Let us- the Management, the teachers and the students – be partners in the holy march.