“To be an eminent institute for higher education and research through innovative teaching-learning and sustainable practices to meet the industrial and societal needs”.
Knowledge is like an ocean unfathomable. Our Institution is the torch bearer of knowledge and has been spreading its wings to remove illiteracy, ignorance and inability. To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield is our motto. So we march ahead with this vision and mould our students to fit themselves for the world of today and tomorrow.
Students Community is the chosen one and we involve ourselves in the process of making them model to others. We will work strenuously to bring out the hidden talents and potentiality of the learners to fulfill the needs of the industry and other sectors for the fullest extent. Students update their knowledge in English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics to make their foundation strong. Excellent Technical knowledge with skills to Communicate will ensure them to get a job. Communication Skills play an important role in shaping the career of Engineers.
To impart quality technical education by transforming students into professionally competent technocrats.
To nurture the students in all-round sustainable development, for career and self employability.
To inculcate critical thinking, professional ethics with civic responsibilities by instilling values.
Core Values
Technology based Education
In addition to the classroom teachings, Shivani Engineering College strives to add state-of-the-art education technologies every year for the benefit of the faculty and students for effective teaching, learning, assessment and evaluation to make them future-ready from our society.
Industry Interaction
Shivani Engineering College aims for a strong industry connect through domain expertise every from the backward area and best-practices-sharing for curriculum design, training of the faculty and students, consultancy activities, joint publications and industry based research projects.
Eco Friendly campus
Shivani Engineering College supports eco-friendly environment through facilities that range from a splendid lush green campus to world-class green-building infrastructure. Shivani Engineering College encourages innovative energy and water efficiency measures for a resource-efficient future every we are located at remote area
Community development
Shivani Engineering College empowers the under-privileged and the socially disadvantaged sectors of the community backward by offering Training and Development in Employability Skills and Entrepreneurship Initiatives with the participation backward of the community and in collaboration with the Government and Municipal.
Global Vision
Shivani Engineering College plans and performs with a global vision: To become an Institute of great repute, in the fields of Science, Applied Science, Engineering, Technology and Management studies, by offering a full range of programmes of Global standard to foster research, and to transform the students in to Globally competent perbitlities in addition to other activities.